remoshock > Receivers > Petrainer
Petrainer Receiver
Capabilities: 🔉
📳 ⚡ Frequency: 433 MHz
Note: On this photo the contacts have been replaced with cap nuts.
There are at least two versions of this collar, which look almost identical:
One version has "PATENT NO. 200930186633.4" written onto it. This device creates a very sharp pain even at level 1. I am worried, that it uses relatively high current (not just high voltage) and is likely to cause skin burn.
There is no writing on the other version. But it has a green power LED on the opposite side of the blinking red LED. The impulse feels very different.
Both versions use the exact same transmission protocol and the transmitters are compatible. Further more, this collar is sold using different brand names, but it is unclear which brand name uses which version.