remoshock > Warning



Please be very careful when playing with electricity because electricity may cause serious medical issues. This includes both an impact on the nervous system as well as damage to the skin.


Please read this article: Shock collars around the neck are not safe.


Skin damage the day after
Skin damage the day after
Skin damage after 8 months
Skin damage after 8 months


Why did you publish this software anyway?

This is a good question. I hesitated for several months whether I should actually release it.

It started as a lockdown project in order to have something to do and learn Arduino. After I got familiar with hardware-near programming, I bought a pair of cheap shock collars which operate on 433 MHz. This worked well from the software point of view.

But I am quite unhappy about those receivers. They have a very sharp pain even on level 1. Unlike the PAC collars which are pretty harmless on low levels but escalate to unbearable. I am concerned that the cheap devices might have a significantly higher risk regarding skin damage.

Unfortunately, it is this kind of collar, for which there is plenty of code available on the Internet.

All in all: Do not play with electricity! But if you do, please be careful and use high-quality products.

Radio transmissions

Please make sure that you do not violate local laws/regulations when using a Software Defined Radio.

Mobile Phone

Please be careful not to drop and break your mobile phone during rough play.