remoshock > FAQ

Frequently asked Questions and answers

⚠️ Risks

Is playing with electricity dangerous?

Yes, it is. Please see Warning.

Should I play with electricity?

No, you should not. Please see Warning.

🔧 About the project

Where can I find documentation and source code?

How do I report bugs, feature requests and patches?

Please use the GitHub issue tracker at

✔️ Requirements

Will remoshock work on Microsoft Windows?

remoshock works on Linux only. Ubuntu 2022.04 is used for testing.

Which receivers are supported?

Please see Receivers for details and photos.

What transmitter hardware do I need?

You need a SDR (software defined radio) device, that

According to Wikipedia both HackRF and LimeSDR fulfill those requirements. HackRF is used for testing

🔍 Troubleshooting

I am getting strange hardware error messages from my SDR transmitter

Examples for error message:

[] failed to start tx mode

Please avoid USB hubs and USB extension cables, but connect your SDR directly to your computer. At least USB 2 hubs are known to be too slow to sustain the bit-stream.

Please make sure that your computer is connected to the power network (i. e. don't run your notebook on battery only). A throttled CPU might be too slow to generate the bit-stream for the SDR.

If you run Linux inside of a Virtual Machine on a slow computer, you might experience the same performance problems. VirtualBox only supports USB 1.x in the default installation.

Please see on how to install and enable USB Passthrough support for VirtualBox.

Access to HackRF only works as root

Access to the HackRF hardware only works as root. remoshock crashes with either a segmentation fault or the following error message:


The hackrf_info fails with the following error as a normal user:

hackrf_open() failed: Access denied (insufficient permissions) (-1000)

In order to access the hardware as normal user, a udev rule is needed. Please create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/53-hackrf.rules with the content from

Furthermore please make sure that the user in the group plugdev.

It is not working, why?

Please add the parameter --verbose. It will enable debug logging.

I am in a VirtualBox VM and lsusb does not find my SDR transmitter

Please see on how to install and enable USB Passthrough support for VirtualBox.

In short:

Which setup is used for testing?

I use Ubuntu 2022.04 with a HackRF transmitter, a PAC ACX collar and a brandless Wodondog collar.