remoshock > Applications > remoshockrnd

🎲 Randomizer (remoshockrnd)


remoshockrnd sends randomized commands at random times. For example it may send a beep followed a shock every 5 to 15 minutes. For a completely deterministic experience, you can set min and max to the same value.

There is a web based alternative available, that can be configured using a computer or mobile phone. Please see Randomizer (Web) for details.

Example configuration section:

beep_probability_percent = 100
shock_probability_percent = 100
shock_min_duration_ms = 250
shock_max_duration_ms = 500
shock_min_power_percent = 5
shock_max_power_percent = 10
pause_min_s = 300
pause_max_s = 900
runtime_min_minutes = 1440
runtime_max_minutes = 1440
probability_weight = 1

This sample configuration will ensure that there is always (100% probability) a beep followed by a shock. The shock duration will vary between 250ms and 500ms. The power of the shocks will vary between 5% and 10%. And finally the timer will be set to a random value between 5 minutes (300s) and 15 minutes (900s).

After the event the timer will be set to a new random value in this range and everything will start anew. In this example remoshockrnd will end after one day (1440 minutes) or when Ctrl+c is pressed. The runtime starts counting after the optional initial start_delay has expired.

Receiver specific configuration

The shock min and max duration as well as the min and max power level can be overridden on a per receiver basis:

random_shock_min_duration_ms = 250
random_shock_max_duration_ms = 500
random_shock_min_power_percent = 10
random_shock_max_power_percent = 20
random_probability_weight = 1

If one or more random_*-settings are missing in a receiver section, the default values form the randomizer section are used.

Hint: Multiple receiver sections can use the same transmitter_code and channel in order to support multiple configuration of the same device. Setting random_probability_weight to 0 will exclude that receiver from being used by the randomizer. Higher numbers will cause the randomizer to prefer this receiver.

Command line parameters


You can prepare multiple rules by using different [section]-names in remoshock.ini:

remoshockrnd -s other_section

usage: remoshockrnd [-h] [-s SECTION] [-v] [--version]

Shock collar remote randomizer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        custom configuration file. Defaults to ~/.config/remoshock.ini
                        custom settings file. Defaults to ~/.config/remoshock.dat
  -s SECTION, --section SECTION
                        name of [section] in remoshock.ini to use.
                        Default is [randomizer].
  -v, --verbose         prints debug messages
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Please see for documentation.